188 Blog Posts From the Traffic Congestion Tag

TheNewspaper.com Roundup: June 25, 2018

In this week’s TheNewspaper.com Roundup! –Kansas City lawsuit against Predatory Towing– –OH Supremes back Legislative Curb on Speed Cams– –US Supremes to Consider Car Seizure Constitutionality for minor crimes– Friday, June 22, 2018 Kansas City, Missouri Under Fire For Predatory Towing A motorist whose car was wrongly towed in Kansas City, Missouri, is calling for […]

TheNewspaper.com Roundup: June 18, 2018

In this week’s TheNewspaper.com Roundup! –UK: London spends $1 Billion on barely used bicycle lanes– –Snapchat Selfie Speeding Lawsuit greenlights in Georgia– –No refund for RLC’s in Orlando Florida– Friday, June 15, 2018 UK: London Mayor Spends $1 Billion On Barely Used Cycle Lanes London mayor Sadiq Khan in 2016 announced his five-year plan to […]

Report from The Future of the Automobile Conference held at the Petersen Museum, Los Angeles, May 3, 2018

I volunteered to attend The Future of the Automobile Conference, sponsored by the Petersen Automotive Museum and the Los Angeles World Affairs Council, so that I could report to NMA on what technological and political schemes are being cooked up for drivers. I walked in bright and early to avoid Los Angeles’s notorious traffic congestion. […]

Welcome to Lane Courtesy Month 2018!

Do you practice lane courtesy every time you drive? The National Motorists Association uses the month of June as a platform to encourage all drivers to practice lane courtesy. The NMA strongly supports the simple but significant concept of slower traffic using the right lane and vehicles in the left lane yielding to faster traffic. […]

Is an Infrastructure Apocalypse on the Horizon?

The US’s aging Infrastructure seems to be falling apart but what is worse is no one knows how to fund infrastructure. How much more can motorists pay before they can no longer pay any more? Motorists already pay a state and federal gas tax. Motorists already pay special wheel taxes or additional vehicle registration fees. […]

Traffic Attorney, DUI Attorney, and Personal Injury Attorney Testimonials

Dmitry Gorin, Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney

Top-ranked criminal and DUI defense lawyer who provides aggressive legal representation.

Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorney

Our personal injury attorneys provide legal representation for anyone who was hurt in an accident caused by the negligence of others.

Virginia Criminal Lawyer Karin Riley Porter

A skilled Virginia traffic lawyer with over ten years of trial experience.

Maryland Criminal Defense Lawyer Kush Arora

A seasoned Maryland traffic lawyer ready to defend you against DUI and reckless driving charges.