The National Motorists Association is dedicated to the mission of its founding in 1982: To protect the interests of the North American motoring public.
The financial support of the 501(c)(3) NMA comes from everyday drivers like you who cherish their driving freedoms. Neither special interest groups nor profit-motivated industries exert influence over the actions of the NMA. Help us defend the rights of motorists by donating to the nonprofit NMA today, a tax-deductible contribution to driving freedoms.
Donations to the NMA will fund research projects on driver and highway safety, educational programs that will help shape individual mobility public policies well into the future, and legal aid grants in support of precedent-setting cases to protect drivers’ rights in the courts, in the streets, and behind the wheel.
Your gift will also directly support the NMA’s work to influence critical legislative activity at all levels of government by educating lawmakers and public administrators with fact-based information touting the importance of rational traffic laws and enforcement policies to the safety of all road users.
Click the Donate Today button to find out how you can support drivers’ rights
Donations to the nonprofit National Motorists Association, Inc. are tax-deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law.
The NMA’s federal tax ID number is 39-1951971. The company is located at 1001 Arboretum Dr, Suite 120, Waunakee, WI 53597-2670.