A road user charge or RUC (also referred to as the Vehicle Miles Traveled Tax or VMT Tax and Mileage Based User Fees or MBUF) currently permeates nearly every discussion of how our country will pay for infrastructure in the future. Many transportation planners and elected officials seem to agree the time has come to […]
16 Blog Posts From the PPP Tag
Are We Slinking Ever Closer to a Universal Road User Charge? Part 1—the National Landscape: NMA E-Newsletter #549
Microtransit Costs too Much Per Passenger
So much hype over transportation disruption right now that sometimes it is hard to see the road with all the bikes and scooters laying around or even to understand if a disruption is viable and efficient. Microtransit, similar to ridesharing but supposedly cheaper, is one such disruption that use to be known as Dial-a-Ride. In […]
Can the Proverbial Pothole Problem be Disrupted?: NMA E-Newsletter #493
Nothing worse than hitting a pothole you can’t avoid on the road. Not only is it jarring and disruptive to your driving but it can also damage your car. AAA reports that American drivers pay an estimated $3 billion per year to repair cars damaged by potholes. AAA Manager of Technical Services Michael Calkins said […]
Is an Infrastructure Apocalypse on the Horizon?
The US’s aging Infrastructure seems to be falling apart but what is worse is no one knows how to fund infrastructure. How much more can motorists pay before they can no longer pay any more? Motorists already pay a state and federal gas tax. Motorists already pay special wheel taxes or additional vehicle registration fees. […]
No More Toll Roads
The National Motorist Association does not support toll roads or user fees intended to limit or ration the use of public roads. Not only are tolls an inefficient and backwards approach to providing funding for transportation, they foster corruption and political patronage. When states rely on tolls to build and maintain one stretch of highway, […]
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