By California NMA Member Norman Risch Editor’s Note: This post originally appeared as an NMA E-Newsletter #439 in June 2017. If you would like to receive the NMA E-Newsletter every Sunday in your inbox, subscribe HERE. While the NMA has been increasingly promoting left lane courtesy for years, I can compare several states in which […]

Lane Courtesy or Law–A California Cultural Examination

Paradise Ticket Quota Extreme: NMA Weekly E-Newsletter #636
Multiple times a year, the US Department of Transportation issues grants to states for specific traffic enforcement programs. That money trickles down to cities so they can pay officers overtime. Honolulu police officers are currently participating in one such grant program this month. To measure the program’s effectiveness, the Honolulu Police Department wants officers to […]

Women Who Changed Automotive History Part 1
By Lauren Fix, The Car Coach It’s National Women’s History Month, so let’s celebrate the Women who changed automotive history. Some great features and technologies are in your vehicle because women didn’t like the original method and invented a better solution. The first woman to drive a car was Bertha Benz. She was a pioneer […]
2021 Toyota Corolla Review
They don’t make the great cars anymore—cars like the original (rear-engined/air-cooled) VW Beetle. Many consider the original Bug to be the greatest car ever made—if the standard for greatness is a car almost anyone could afford to buy and, for that reason, put almost everyone on the road who wanted to be on the road. Hence the people’s car. The Ford Model […]

How many kinds of Police Checkpoints and Roadblocks?
Editor’s Note: This article first appeared in the NMA’s Driving Freedoms Magazine in the Fall of 2020. If you would like to receive the NMA’s quarterly magazine, join the NMA today! Check out the other two posts in this series: Have Checkpoints Gone Too Far? How to Handle Yourself at a Checkpoint or Roadblock Joe […]
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