This article first appeared as the cover story in the NMA Foundation’s quarterly magazine Driving Freedoms Fall 2017! You probably joined the NMA because of its mission to protect drivers’ rights; or because you believe deeply in one or more of the issues we advocate. That makes you unique, an exception among the 88 percent […]
49 Blog Posts From the 85TH PERCENTILE Tag
How to Stop Being the Silent Majority!
Boston’s “Vision Zero” Exposed: Lowering the speed limit increases speeding ticket revenue by 47%: NMA E-Newsletter #506
From guest writer Joe Cadillic of the MassPrivatel Blog All across the country, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) is hard at work convincing cities to lower their speed limits to 25 MPH. The national effort to lower speed limits in cities is a fundamental tenet of a movement known as “Vision Zero.” To date, the National Highway […] Roundup: September 10, 2018
In this week’s Roundup! NJ Lawmakers reintroduce Anti-Photo Ticketing Bill IIHS Fakes Speed Limit Study Results IA Supremes Split on Speed Cams Friday, September 7, 2018 New Jersey Lawmakers Reintroduce Anti-Photo Ticketing Bill A bipartisan group of New Jersey state senators want to protect Garden State motorists from speed cameras and red-light cameras operating […]
Vision Zero—In the Trenches of New York City: NMA Weekly Newsletter #503
From New York City NMA Member Joshua Hotto Vision Zero is a huge nightmare for everyone that lives or works in NYC. Since the introduction here of Vision Zero, commute times have more than doubled. The city has introduced road diets, has converted streets for bike and bus only lanes and has gotten rid of […]
10 Reasons to Oppose Red-Light Cameras
The National Motorists Association (NMA) opposes red-light cameras for many reasons. I recently wrote this list to Milwaukee, WI officials who are seriously considering bringing red-light cameras (RLCs) to their city. With minor changes based on local information, this list will apply to almost any advocacy efforts opposing red-light cameras. Reason #1: Residents of your […]
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