This post first appeared as NMA E-Newsletter #516 in December 2018. Randy LoBasso, policy manager at the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia, loves to hate the National Motorists Association. We are often the bogeyman he uses as a counterpoint to his pro-bicyclist, Vision Zero, anti-car rhetoric. For instance: “Let’s understand what the National Motorists Association […]
457 Blog Posts From the NMA Tag
Problem Solved: Ban Cars
Political Interference in Setting Speed Limits Shouldn’t Happen
From guest writer Ian Tootill, who is co-founder of the grassroots British Columbia motorists advocacy group SENSE BC (or Safety by Education and Not Speed Enforcement). SENSE BC and the NMA are kindred spirits, with SENSE advocating for sensible driving standards for more than 23 years and the NMA for over 36. The issues facing drivers in […]
An Appropriate Balance for Whom? – NMA Readers Respond: NMA E-Newsletter #553
In “An Appropriate Balance for Whom?” (NMA E-Newsletter #552), we discussed HB 3663, a recently introduced bill to Congress that would require each state to fund its own program to prioritize walking and bicycle riding over vehicular traffic when designing new or upgrading existing roads. Data from the 2016 U.S. Census showed that more than […]
Are Cyclists Vision Zero Zealots?
Eric Berg is an NMA director and life member since the Citizens Coalition for Rational Traffic Law days. Eric is an avid sport bicyclist as well as staunch defender of motorists’ rights. He is well positioned to provide observations from both vantage points. This thinkpiece first appeared in January 2019 as NMA E-Newsletter #524. One […]
An Appropriate Balance for Whom?: NMA E-Newsletter #552
Eight members of the U.S. House of Representatives introduced House Bill 3663 in mid-July. The proposed piece of legislation is titled, “Complete Streets Act of 2019.” It is no less than a mandate that all states implement policies to address “critical gaps in pedestrian, bicycle, and public transit infrastructure.” The Complete Streets protocol would prioritize […]
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