By Lauren Fix Now is the time to contact your elected representative and tell them to pass the Save AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act. This is an update to the Save AM Radio act and AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act. I’m shocked that lawmakers from all sides have not passed this obvious bill […]
110 Blog Posts From the NHTSA Tag
AM Radio Bill Vote Blocked – We Want to Keep AM Radio In Our Cars
Why Car Prices Are Going to Go Up HUGE
By Lauren Fix The Alliance for Automotive Innovation, a lobbying group in the U.S. that represents most major automakers, is once again criticizing the Biden Administration’s proposal to boost fuel economy standards. NHTSA is proposing to increase requirements at a rate of 2% per year for passenger cars and 4% per year for trucks and […]
By Lauren Fix NHTSA (National Highway Transportation and Safety Administration) wants your feedback on its mandated ‘kill switches’ coming to all vehicles in 2026. We covered a story regarding the Biden-approved 2021 infrastructure bill that holds Section 24220 regarding a requirement for automakers to begin including a “vehicle kill switch” within the operating software of […]
National Transportation Safety Board Calls For Speed-Limiting in Cars
By Lauren Fix We have played this game before. And we have won. Now it’s time to play it once more and we need your support! The NTSB urged 17 automakers to install intelligent speed-assistance technology in all new vehicles that, at a minimum, warns a driver when the vehicle is speeding. The National Transportation […]
If it Risks Even 20 Million Lives
By Eric Peters, NMA Member and Syndicated Columnist We’ve all heard the evil mantra that a thing is worth imposing on everyone if it “saves even one life.” How about when the thing imposes the risk of death on 20 million people? Then, apparently, it is worth the risk — imposed on those 20 millions […]
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