65 Blog Posts From the Bicycle Tag

Lime Turns E-Scooters into Micromobility Surveillance Platforms

By Joe Cadillic, founder of Politically Incorrect News on Substack Under the guise of public safety, Lime’s E-scooters could soon be recording everyone and everything they see. A recent article in TechCrunch revealed that Lime’s advanced rider assistance technology (ARAT) will be using a camera to detect when riders are on sidewalks. “At a Lime event in Paris, the […]

No Cars for You – World Economic Forum Calls for the End to Private Car Ownership

By Lauren Fix, The Car Coach The World Economic Forum (WEF) wants you to give up your car, truck or SUV. They want car ownership to be outlawed because The Great Reset is about control and tightening the grip on your freedom. They ask if your car is really necessary. The World Economic Forum doesn’t think […]

Activists Are Deflating SUV Tires in US Cities

By Lauren Fix, The Car Coach Having a flat tire is frustrating as it is, but finding out that someone flattened your tire to prove a political point will infuriate you. A UK-based activist group called “The Tyre Extinguishers” is known for deflating tires and has spread its activities to the US. They claim they’ve deflated […]

A Response to “The Automobile Won”: NMA E-Newsletter #706

by Sherman Johnson, NMA Maryland Member Editor’s Note: NMA e-newsletters and blog posts that stir debate serve the valuable purpose of creating conversation that often leads to a better understanding of the issues at hand. Sherman Johnson’s response to The Automobile Won (Part 1, NMA E-Newsletter #702, and Part 2, #703) follows. The NMA’s stance […]

The Changing Landscape of Speed Limits

By Shelia Dunn, NMA Communications Director Editor’s Note: This piece originally appeared as the cover story in the Winter 2022 Edition of the National Motorists Association’s quarterly magazine Driving Freedoms. If you would like to receive our magazine, please become a member of the NMA today!   Advocating for speed limits based on sound traffic-engineering […]

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Our personal injury attorneys provide legal representation for anyone who was hurt in an accident caused by the negligence of others.

Virginia Criminal Lawyer Karin Riley Porter

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