By Lauren Fix Here’s a dirty secret that few are discussing. Thousands of electric vehicles abandoned as 90% of Chinese EV makers face bankruptcy. China may seem like the leader of the EV industry, but behind the scenes, there is a massive crisis unfolding. Hundreds of EV companies have gone bankrupt, leaving behind thousands of […]
65 Blog Posts From the Bicycle Tag
WEF Sets Authoritarian Goal to Limit 76% of Cars by 2050 Globally
By Lauren Fix The World Economic Forum or WEF is meeting again in China with the goal of more restrictions for limiting private car ownership by 76% by 2050. This is no joke – they have a plan and they will use their power to make it a reality as soon as they can. The […]
Electric Cars Under Attack: The Shocking Truth About Climate Crusaders
By Lauren Fix What are 15-minute cities and why are they controversial? 15-minute mega cities are being promoted by some as the future way we will live. How does this impact automotive and your vehicles. A new report makes it clear that the ultimate goal: tiny, uncomfortable apartments and bicycles for all. No cars at […]
NMA E-Newsletter #736: Your Freedom to Travel is Under Attack
By Jay Beeber, Director of Policy & Research, National Motorists Association If there was any doubt before, now we have a clear indication that the WAR ON CARS is real –and it’s being waged at the highest levels of society by authoritarian culture warriors. These tyrannical elitists seek to eliminate our freedom to travel where […]
The Curse of Double Parking: NMA E-Newsletter #720
Driving down a street, you come upon a delivery truck parked in your lane, and it’s impossible to pass. Frustration can’t even begin to describe how you feel, especially when you are already late. Double parking seems to be how a city functions due to condensed urban populations, the proliferation of small businesses, a tremendous […]
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Virginia Criminal Lawyer Karin Riley Porter
A skilled Virginia traffic lawyer with over ten years of trial experience.
Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorney
Our personal injury attorneys provide legal representation for anyone who was hurt in an accident caused by the negligence of others.
Dmitry Gorin, Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney
Top-ranked criminal and DUI defense lawyer who provides aggressive legal representation.
Maryland Criminal Defense Lawyer Kush Arora
A seasoned Maryland traffic lawyer ready to defend you against DUI and reckless driving charges.