56 Alerts From the NEW YORK Tag

What U.S. Vehicle Fuel Economy Standards (if any) Should Be – Results of an NMA Online Survey, Part 2: NMA E-Newsletter #570

Last week’s newsletter (Part 1, #569) provided a statistical summary of responses to an NMA November online survey seeking feedback about CAFE (corporate average fuel economy) standards. Here, in Part 2, is where the rubber hits the road. Those taking the survey were given the opportunity to include commentary to explain their choices of whether […]

Paying More for Less Service: NMA E-Newsletter #534

By 2021, New York City will begin charging drivers who enter Manhattan below Central Park under the guise of congestion pricing. No one is surprised. City and state officials have been trying to make this happen for years. The rare alignment of views between the governor, the mayor, and the state legislature─each likely motivated by […]

Tracking Legislative Activity the NMA Way: NMA –E-Newsletter #533

Today we complete the first full calendar quarter of reporting motorist-related activity that is passing through state and federal legislatures. The NMA Bill/Regulation Tracker (Bill Tracker) was introduced in the Winter 2019 issue of Driving Freedoms and went live on Motorists.org in early January when most states began new legislative sessions. Only three months in […]

On the 2019 Legislative Agenda–Red-Light Cameras: NMA E-Newsletter #526

January and February are the heart of activity for many state legislative sessions across the country. Red-light cameras (RLCs) have certainly been the focus in a number of states. Bills in Colorado, Florida and Illinois are calling for outright bans. Legislators in Texas want to ban new camera programs while allowing existing installations to finish […]

Are Cyclists Vision Zero Zealots—Readers’ Responses: NMA Weekly E-Newsletter #525

Last week, we emailed and posted on our website a guest newsletter entitled Are Cyclists Vision Zero Zealots? written by Eric Berg, an NMA Board Member, an NMA Life Member, an avid sport bicyclist, and a staunch defender of motorists’ rights. Readers, including some of whom (like Eric) are bicyclists, responded with interesting perspectives which […]

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