38 Alerts From the LETTER WRITING Tag

Turn Signal on a Roundabout; Reader Comments Part 2: NMA E-Newsletter #587

Editor’s Note: Roundabouts elicit all kinds of opinions, and the comments from our recent Newsletter #585 was no exception. Last week, we presented the first set of comments. Part two also runs the gamut of those for and against signaling in a roundabout. Readers’ Comments Part 2 No signaling should be required upon entering or […]

Turn Signal on a Roundabout; Reader Comments Part 1: NMA E-Newsletter #586

Editor’s Note: One thing we do know about roundabouts (traffic circles or rotaries), every driver has an opinion. There is something fundamental about stopping, yielding, and signaling that seems to create as much conflict on the road and strong opinions as almost anything we tackle. Roundabouts, just like speed limits, are something that many drivers […]

What U.S. Vehicle Fuel Economy Standards (if any) Should Be – Results of an NMA Online Survey, Part 2: NMA E-Newsletter #570

Last week’s newsletter (Part 1, #569) provided a statistical summary of responses to an NMA November online survey seeking feedback about CAFE (corporate average fuel economy) standards. Here, in Part 2, is where the rubber hits the road. Those taking the survey were given the opportunity to include commentary to explain their choices of whether […]

The 85th Call to Action (Time Sensitive): NMA E-Newsletter #517

The Fall 2018 issue of the NMA member magazine Driving Freedoms (“The Big Lie”) sounded a clarion call against the dismantling of established traffic engineering standards by the very agencies tasked with upholding those standards and protecting the public. Swept up in the Vision Zero dream of achieving zero road fatalities, the Federal Highway Administration […]

Caught in the Cogs of a Bureaucratic Machine: NMA E-Newsletter #515

Since early August, the Virginia Department of Motor vehicles continued to badger one of our Virginia members, Mike, about needing proof of insurance for a vehicle that only had, per agency records, 16 characters in its Vehicle Identification Number. Since VINs have exactly 17 characters, the DMV was asking for proof of a vehicle that […]

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