46 Alerts From the infrastructure Tag

Paying More for Less Service: NMA E-Newsletter #534

By 2021, New York City will begin charging drivers who enter Manhattan below Central Park under the guise of congestion pricing. No one is surprised. City and state officials have been trying to make this happen for years. The rare alignment of views between the governor, the mayor, and the state legislature─each likely motivated by […]

The Next Ten Years – Readers’ Edition, Part 2: NMA E-Newsletter #523

In NMA E-Newsletter #520, The Next Ten Years, Jim Walker, Gary Biller, and Steve Carrellas provided their thoughts — limited by the NMA to less than 300 words — on the significant challenges that motorists and the NMA will face over the next decade. We asked readers to chime in with their thoughts and published […]

The Next Ten Years – Readers’ Edition, Part 1: NMA E-Newsletter #522

When we published E-Newsletter #520, The Next Ten Years, on December 30, 2018 with predictions from some NMA and NMA Foundation directors of the challenges that the NMA and motoring public are going to face over the next decade, we encouraged readers to provide their insights. And boy, have you. We currently have enough material […]

Ballot Decisions that Affect Motorists–2018 Version: NMA E-Newsletter #513

The mid-term elections are officially over. Ballotpedia stated this week on its website that voters in 37 states decided a total of 155 statewide ballot measures. Not all, of course, were motorist related but a few certainly were. We have also included some important county or city ballot issues that asked voters to raise the […]

Can the Proverbial Pothole Problem be Disrupted?: NMA E-Newsletter #493

Nothing worse than hitting a pothole you can’t avoid on the road. Not only is it jarring and disruptive to your driving but it can also damage your car. AAA reports that American drivers pay an estimated $3 billion per year to repair cars damaged by potholes. AAA Manager of Technical Services Michael Calkins said […]

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