10 Alerts From the Fuel Tag

So What Happens if We Don’t Want Them? NMA E-Newsletter #581

In August 2019, 20 truckers with nine trucks held a rally at the Missouri State Capital, protesting the safety of autonomous trucks. They were there to support a bill on the drafting table by State Representative Mike Moon. Downshift to this year’s state legislative session; Moon sponsored and introduced a bill that would require a […]

What U.S. Vehicle Fuel Economy Standards (if any) Should Be – Results of an NMA Online Survey, Part 2: NMA E-Newsletter #570

Last week’s newsletter (Part 1, #569) provided a statistical summary of responses to an NMA November online survey seeking feedback about CAFE (corporate average fuel economy) standards. Here, in Part 2, is where the rubber hits the road. Those taking the survey were given the opportunity to include commentary to explain their choices of whether […]

What U.S. Vehicle Fuel Economy Standards (if any) Should Be – Results of an NMA Online Survey, Part 1: NMA E-Newsletter #569

Throughout November, we posted an online survey designed to better understand the sentiment of NMA supporters toward government-imposed CAFE standards. The Corporate Average Fuel Economy regulations established in 2012 mandated automakers to meet a fleetwide average of 54.5 miles per gallon by the vehicle model year 2025. That is quite a leap forward considering the […]

What Happened to Actual Cars?: NMA E-Newsletter #560

By guest writer Jim Millick Automakers have made some big announcements this past year regarding cars—I’m talking about sedans, coupes and smaller runabouts that we have all owned in the past. The car companies have decided to stop manufacturing most related models. The SUV (“sport” utility vehicle) and pickup trucks, which the U.S. Environmental Protection […]

Are We Slinking Ever Closer to a Universal Road User Charge? Part 3—Regional and Local Efforts: NMA E-Newsletter #551

In Parts One and Two of this series, Are We Slinking Ever Closer to a Universal Road User Charge?, we explored what is happening on the national level and in Congress respectively. Road User Charges (RUC) are also called Vehicle Miles Traveled Tax (VMT) or Mileage-Based User Fees (MBUF). A number of states are experimenting […]

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