By Eric Peters Like almost everyone else – and every cop – I “speed.” That is, I often drive faster than whatever the posted speed limit is. I do so not primarily because I am in a hurry; that is a gas-lighting term used, ironically, by the cops who are often in a hurry to […]
86 Blog Posts From the TICKET REVENUE Tag
Why I speed
New Technology Will Use AI Speed Cameras That Can ‘Spy Inside’ Your Car
By Lauren Fix Technology is great! Except when it’s used to control and monitor everything we do. And now new AI speed cameras are being installed on roads that will be able to spy inside our cars. These new cameras are set to be rolled out across the U.S. to catch motorists using mobile phones […]
NMA E-Newsletter #738: The Revenue-Hungry Rise of Automated Ticketing
By Jay Beeber, Director of Policy & Research For the past few years, we’ve been monitoring a concerning trend in traffic enforcement: a steady shift towards more and more automated ticketing. Unfortunately, this trend appears to be gaining momentum. In California, we’ve witnessed a surge of bills introduced that attempt to authorize various forms of […]
Taking the Politics Out of Speed Limit Setting—a Member Responds: NMA Newsletter #729
By Don Bain, NMA Oregon Member Editor’s Note: Don submitted these comments to the NMA National Office in response to Newsletter #724 Taking the Politics Out of Speed Limit Setting. While sound from an engineering perspective, there’s an inherent challenge with speed surveys and the 85% percentile speed point: establishing and documenting what “free-flowing conditions” are, […]
Red-Light Cameras Turned Off in Greenville, NC—At Least for Now!: NMA E-Newsletter #727
If there ever was a system that says ‘taxation by citation,’ the North Carolina red-light camera system is it. A little background. In March 2022 the North Carolina State Court of Appeals ruled that Greenville’s red-light camera program was unconstitutional but not because of the cameras themselves. Under the state’s RLC citation scheme, expenses from […]
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A seasoned Maryland traffic lawyer ready to defend you against DUI and reckless driving charges.
Virginia Criminal Lawyer Karin Riley Porter
A skilled Virginia traffic lawyer with over ten years of trial experience.