81 Blog Posts From the James Baxter Tag

Funding Our Highways

By James Baxter, NMA President The Bush administration just released another version of their plan to shift responsibility for highway funding to the “users.” This isn’t a bad idea, except that’s exactly the situation that has largely existed for most of the last century and all of the current century. The users, namely motorists and […]

The Effect Of A National Speed Limit On Traffic Safety & Fuel Prices

By James Baxter, NMA President In 1982 Congress authorized the National Academy of Science to do a study that documented the “benefits” of the 55 MPH National Maximum Speed Limit (NMSL). I, as the President of the organization most critical of the national speed limit, was considered as a potential member of the advisory panel […]

The Traveling Public Can Go Elsewhere

By James Baxter, NMA President According to public opinion, there are 57,000 speed traps in the United States. That’s how many speed traps have been listed by individuals on SpeedTrap.org, a website sponsored by the NMA. That averages out to 1140 speed traps per state. Of course some states lead the charge, like California with […]

Tired Of High Gas Prices? Don’t Ask The Government For Help

By James Baxter, NMA President I don’t like the idea of $4 gasoline, I doubt that anyone does. However, I like gas lines, closed gas stations, and no gasoline at all, even less. That’s what we are likely to end up with if the government “fixes the problem.” In 1973 and again in 1979 the […]

Reinstating “55,” Are They Crazy?!

By James Baxter, NMA President The same forces that resisted the use of fire many thousands of years ago are still with us, only now they are advocating the return of the national maximum speed limit of 55 miles per hour. Anyone who endured the last 22 year long “experiment” with the “folly of 55” […]

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