5 Blog Posts From the ARKANSAS Tag

Driving in America Dispatch from Arkansas: Election, Casinos, 30 Crossing, and Highway Speed Limits

By Thomas Beckett, NMA Member Editor’s Note: In 2020, for the Driving in America blog, Thomas has already written numerous posts on how a small state like Arkansas is working to fund infrastructure projects and an additional post on how Arkansas is raising speed limits. Check out his posts here: Driving in America—Arkansas Report Part […]

What has 764 legs and eats wallets?

Last spring Damascus, Arkansas (population 382) was officially branded a speed trap and forbidden from writing speeding tickets. Shortly before the final order was issued the city got rid of its no-longer-necessary police chief. And the story got better. The city was stealing from drivers, and prosecutors suspect the police chief was stealing from the […]

Arkansas DOT accepts 75 mph request

After some delay Arkansas DOT acceded to a legislative request to raise the speed limit to 75. The speed limit proposal is open to comment by state residents (only) until December 13. Stripped of irrelevant material the 33 page speed limit report has five pages of content. One graph says the average speed on rural […]

Arkansas DOT says “no”

Since the national speed limit was repealed several state legislatures have attempted to raise speed limits only to be denied by a governor or DOT director who is afraid of drivers obeying the law. It happened in Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Oklahoma, and now Arkansas. Arkansas lawmakers requested a speed limit increase to 75 and the […]

March, 2017 speed limit news roundup

There is a good amount of speed-related legislative activity this spring. The Arkansas legislature quickly approved HB 2057, intended to raise freeway speed limits to 75 and two lane speed limits to 65. It is unclear if freeway speed limits will actually increase. The Highway Commission already had authority to raise speed limits and did […]

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