I’ll Never Own An Old Harley

By Eric Peters, Automotive Columnist What they say may be true. Or at least, it’s why so many went Japanese back in the day. Me among them.

The War on Cars – Parked and Otherwise

By Eric Peters, Automotive Columnist If you are a car person — or just want to be able to park your car in your own damned driveway — be sure you read the fine print before you buy a house in a neighborhood that has an HOA. Or — worse — peculiar zoning ordinances.

Best Car Commercials Ever

By Eric Peters, Automotive Columnist If you can’t get the tune out of your head, does that mean you’ll end up buying the car? Rich, corinthian leather will only take you so far. Here are some of the most memorable car commercials of the past 30 years.

Buy Gold? Buy a Used Car Instead!

By Eric Peters, Automotive Columnist Why do people buy gold? The smart ones do so not primarily because they’re looking to make money. They are looking to not lose money. That’s the sweet spot these days. Just trying to keep your proverbial shirt on.

The Bio-Fuels Boondoggle

By Eric Peters, Automotive Columnist If something’s desirable it ought not to be necessary to force people to buy it. Chipotle, for instance, doesn’t need to spend millions in de facto bribes (“campaign contributions”) to wheedle Congress into passing burrito subsidies. Nor are you forced to eat at Chipotle if burritos and bowls are not […]

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Top-ranked criminal and DUI defense lawyer who provides aggressive legal representation.

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