Roundup: March 2, 2016

Each Wednesday, we’ll publish quick summaries of the articles from the last week on We’re doing this because these articles are often strongly connected to the issues that National Motorists Association members are interested in.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Virginia Lawmakers Consider Slowing Toll Push
Virginia’s last three governors, Republican and Democrat alike, rejected the idea of building any new freeway lanes. Instead, they envisioned the commonwealth’s motorists paying a toll on as many roads as possible, exercising the unilateral authority granted by the General Assembly to do so. Last month, the House of Delegates voted 85 to 12 to repeal that authority, and the state Senate is currently considering doing the same.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Ohio Appeals Court Upholds Restrictions On Speed Cameras
Renegade cities in Ohio are defying the relatively minor restrictions that the General Assembly placed on the use of automated ticketing machines one year ago. The state Court of Appeals on Friday declared that it was entirely constitutional for the legislature to require police presence where photo ticketing devices are in use.

Monday, February 29, 2016
France: Vigilantes Burn Speed Camera
Vigilantes on Wednesday used burning tires to destroy a speed camera in Ain, France, Le Progres reported. The device had been issuing tickets on the RD992. Previously, the same camera has been shot and had its lens covered in paint.

Friday, February 26, 2016
Texas: Camera Company Reveals Anti-Referendum Strategy
After being defeated at the ballot box seven times in Texas, red-light camera companies have come up with a new strategy to rescue their programs. Instead of going to court to block the vote in Jersey City, American Traffic Solutions (ATS) convinced the city council last week to place a second measure on the ballot that would undermine Proposition One, the charter amendment submitted by the Houston suburb’s voters.

Thursday, February 25, 2016
Redflex Admits Corporate Bribery Chicago, Illinois Lawsuit
Lawyers for Redflex Traffic Systems provided the first look at how they intend to respond to the looming $383 million red-light camera lawsuit filed against it by Chicago, Illinois. The Windy City insists Redflex violated the municipal ethics code by lying in documents filed with the city. Judge John J. Tharp Jr on Tuesday granted Redflex permission to expand on its counterargument.

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