Roundup: September 19, 2012

Each Wednesday, we’ll publish quick summaries of the articles from the last week on We’re doing this because these articles are often strongly connected to the issues that National Motorists Association members are interested in.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Ohio: Police Cannot Stop a Motorist That Catches Their Attention
A police officer may not stop and interrogate a driver merely because a vehicle’s out-of-state license plates “caught his attention,” the Ohio Court of Appeals ruled earlier this month. In a split 2-1 decision, the court held the March 19, 2011 traffic stop of Bret Browning was improper because Copley Township Police Officer Ryan Price had no reason to think a crime was about to be committed. At 12:30am that day, Price noticed Browning standing beside a car on a private drive, then drive off.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Virginia: Toll Road Deal Ensures 73 Years of Gridlock
The state of Virginia executed a contract with an Australian company on July 31 designed to discourage ride sharing and ensure congestion on major commuter routes until after the year 2085. A cleverly worded “non-compete” provision buried in a massive contract document puts taxpayers on the hook for paying monetary damages to toll road operator Transurban if the state decides within the next 73 years to expand the free lanes on Interstate 95, improve the highly congested Route One corridor or make driving easier on the Occoquan Bridge.

Monday, September 17, 2012
Colorado: Accused Dark Knight Killer Flashed by Traffic Cam
James Holmes, the man standing trial for a July 20 killing spree, had been flashed by a red light camera headed in the direction of the Aurora, Colorado movie theater just ten days before the attack. Holmes was taken into custody after twelve movie-goers were murdered and fifty-eight injured at the midnight premiere of The Dark Knight Rises. Police responding to the murder scene impounded Holmes’ white 2000 Hyundai Tiburon which was found in the Century 16 theater parking lot.

Sunday, September 16, 2012
Maryland, Belgium, UAE: Speed Cameras Watched, Burned, Blocked
After vigilantes disabled six speed cameras in less than six months, Prince George’s County, Maryland is installing speed camera monitoring cameras, according to WTOP radio. In April, a camera on Duley Station Road in Upper Marlboro was shot. Later that month, the mobile automated ticketing machine on Harry S. Truman Drive was knocked over. In May, one of the legs of a camera on Brightseat Road was severed. In July, the camera on Race Track Road was set on fire.

Friday, September 14, 2012
US Government Spends Millions Building Roads Overseas
A little known US government agency has spent hundreds of millions of US taxpayer dollars to build roads in foreign countries — including those openly hostile to American interests. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) on Wednesday released an audit of the Millennium Challenge Corporation program that was supposed to build 1132 miles of road in Armenia, Cape Verde, Georgia, Honduras, Nicaragua and Vanuatu. Only 387 miles were actually built.

Thursday, September 13, 2012
Tennessee: Officer Testimony Beats Hard Evidence in Speeding Case
Having video evidence backed up by an expert witness that contradicts a police officer’s personal opinion that a car was driving fast would seem to be enough to beat a speeding ticket. Charles W. White, Sr was shocked when a Henderson County, Tennessee Circuit Court sided with the traffic cop’s testimony over the videotape. On August 31, White was even more surprised that a the Tennessee Court of Criminal Appeals upheld the lower court decision.

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