In this week’s Roundup!
–Move Over Cams to Ticket Cars traveling speed limit (What?)–
–IA Supremes cracks down on CAF auto seizures–
–US Supremes Reject Driveway Snooping–
Friday, June 1, 2018
Move Over Cameras To Ticket Vehicles Traveling The Speed Limit
Drivers who are obeying the speed limit may still be at risk of getting a ticket in the mail after passing by a new automated ticketing machine. The speed camera company Brekford plans to introduce a “move over” camera in July that will automatically issue tickets when the machine believes an automobile has passed by a police car or garbage truck on the side of a highway.
Thursday, May 31, 2018
Iowa Supreme Court Cracks Down On Auto Seizures
Police in Iowa may no longer seize the cash from passing motorists and put the burden on drivers to prove that they deserve their money back. The state Supreme Court on Friday delivered a unanimous blow against the increasingly common law enforcement tactic by restoring due process rights to drivers who had their property taken even though they were never charged with a crime.
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
US Supreme Court Rejects Driveway Snooping
Police may not walk up to a driveway and look under a car or motorcycle cover without a warrant. In an 8 to 1 ruling handed down Tuesday, US Supreme Court justices refused to expand the wide-ranging automobile exception to the Fourth Amendment requirement that police receive approval from a neutral magistrate before conducting a search.
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Washington: Cop On Hook For Door Checking Motorcyclist
The Washington State Trooper who knocked a motorcyclist over the side of a bridge may be held liable for his actions. In a 71-page ruling last week, a divided state Court of Appeals rejected Trooper Bart Olson’s request for immunity from the excessive force lawsuit filed by Thomas L. Sluman after suffering serious injuries on July 21, 2010.
Monday, May 28, 2018
France, Latvia, Russia, Saudi Arabia: Speed Cameras Trashed
A man dispatched to work on the speed camera on the road to Achinsk, Russia, found himself the target of an attack by some form of tear gas. According to Prospekt Mira, attacks on the system are on the rise. A speed camera in Abu al-Haql, Saudi Arabia was knocked over and taken out of service on May 15 after it failed to prevent an accident, Al Watan reported. A judge in Vidzeme, Latvia, gave a police officer two years of probation for giving a friend a speed camera so that he could issue bogus tickets, LETA reported.