In this week’s Roundup!
–New Canadian Study on Bicycle/Motorist Conflicts–
–MD AG slaps Speed Cam Cities for Lack of Transparency–
–OH Court of Appeals sides with Motorists against Cams–
Friday, January 26, 2018
Canadian Study Uses Video Analysis To Track Bicycle, Motorist Conflicts
Bicycle activist groups frequently call on police to crack down on motorists who commit minor violations. A paper presented earlier this month to the Transportation Research Board annual conference in Washington, DC suggests it is the bicyclists, on average, who are more likely to be violating the law.
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Maryland Attorney General Slaps Speed Camera Cities For Lack of Transparency
Maryland’s top law enforcement officer thinks cities that use speed cameras have set a bad example for government transparency. In a report released earlier this month, state Attorney General Brian E. Frosh slammed the way several jurisdictions attempted to evade their legal responsibilities under the state public information act (PIA) law.
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Ohio Supreme Court Cracks Down On Motorist Purse Searches
Police in Ohio will have to think twice before searching a motorist’s purse during a traffic stop. The state’s highest court on Tuesday decided to toss the conviction of Jamie Banks-Harvey after officers went through her belongings in the course of a traffic stop for speeding.
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Ohio Court Of Appeals Sides With Motorists Against Cameras
The Ohio Court of Appeals on Monday delivered a heavy blow to New Miami’s attempt to block a court-ordered refund of $3,066,523 in speed camera citations. The village insisted that the lower court got it wrong and that the village should not be forced to pay back any amount on the grounds of sovereign immunity. Not so, said the unanimous three-judge panel.
Monday, January 22, 2018
Rhode Island, France, Italy: Speed Cameras Torched, Tarred
Vigilantes in Providence, Rhode Island grabbed a newly installed speed camera last week Monday. According to WPRI-TV, two men unbolted the newly installed automated ticketing machine on Peace Street and put it in the bed of a pickup truck and drove away. The camera, owned and operated by Conduent (formerly Xerox), cost $80,000.