In this week’s Roundup!
–KY Supremes endorses ALPRs without warrants–
–GA Supremes says its okay to cut through gas station to avoid traffic signals–
–NY lawsuit seeks Speed Cam Ticket Refund–
Friday, February 23, 2018
Kentucky Supreme Court Endorses License Plate Camera Tracking
The Kentucky Supreme Court declared last week that police need not bother applying for a warrant before tracking motorists with automated license plate readers (ALPR, also known as ANPR in Europe). The justices took up the issue in the case of Gregory Traft, who was stopped in Boone County on September 11, 2012, because his license plate triggered an alert from the patrol car’s automated camera system.
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Georgia Court OKs Cutting Through Gas Station To Avoid Traffic Signals
Motorists in Georgia are free to cut through a gas station to avoid being stuck at a long traffic light. The state Court of Appeals made the point clear last week as it overturned the conviction of Alfred G. Harris Jr, who was unlawfully pulled over by a Clayton County Police Department officer on January 23, 2017.
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
New York: Lawsuit Seeks Speed Camera Ticket Refund
New York City speed camera tickets are invalid and violate New York state law, according to a federal class action lawsuit filed last week by Manhattan lawyer Israel Klein. Klein argues the city dropped the ball by failing to file all of the required paperwork with the court before allowing a private contractor to drop the photo ticket in the mail.
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Michigan Repeals Speeding Ticket Tax
After 15 years Michigan lawmakers decided to pull the plug on the Driver Responsibility Program that imposes massive fees on traffic ticket recipients. Under the measure that cleared the state Senate and House unanimously last week, collections for the up-to $1000 a year tax on tickets would end on September 30.
Monday, February 19, 2018
France: Anti-Camera Protests Grow, Speed Cameras Disabled
Opposition to the French government’s decision to drop the speed limit from 90 km/h (56 MPH) to 80 km/h (50 MPH) on departmental roads continued for the third week. Weekend protests gathered hundreds across the nation opposing the decision that takes effect in July. For example, a large group of motorcyclists in Villefranche-de-Rouergue temporarily shut down a local highway last week Saturday, La Depeche reported. While traffic was stopped, they handed out literature and “No to 80 km/h” bumper stickers while collecting donations to help fund further activism. While traffic was halted, they covered a speed camera in plastic so it could not issue any more tickets.