Are you fed up with how driving has become such a dreadful experience in your neck of the woods due to road diets? Is your town notorious for law enforcement stopping everyone for anything or perhaps the area where you drive most often has so some many cameras everywhere you feel like you are living on the set of the Person of Interest TV show?
Over 80 percent of all adult Americans drive or at least have a driver’s license. Motorists are the biggest majority block of voters out there but you would not know it looking at headlines. As an apathetic bunch, motorists perhaps believe that someone else will champion for their rights to move freely to and fro. In this climate, it really will take all of us with a collective voice to stand up for our rights to drive whenever and wherever we want. Just think how big of a voice that could be!
The National Motorists Association is a grassroots, non-partisan group of like-minded folks who want to make sure that speed limits are set appropriately, all users of the road follow the same rules and that constitutional rights are not crushed in the name of safety. Becoming a member of the NMA is a great step to support the important advocacy work that our association members embark on each and every day.
Beyond that though, educating yourself on motorists’ issues in your state and across the country is essential. The NMA website at is chock full of important information that is updated on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.
Driving News Feed—this is the NMA’s primary news feed that is curated daily for your use. We suggest you bookmark and scroll through the feed at least once a week to find out the issues that are affecting drivers across the country.
State News Feed—did you know that each state has an NMA news feed as well? Bookmark yours to find out what is going on in your area.
NMA Blog—check it out on the website or sign up for the daily blog feed that is delivered to your inbox. We have recently established a number of weekly blog viewpoints in the feed that you might find of particular interest.
NMA Weekly E-Newsletter—sign up for this weekly newsletter that generally focuses on one topic each week that affects motorists. The NMA E-Newsletter will be celebrating 10 years this December.
NMA Discussion Forums—these are national forums and we would love to hear from you about your issues and any solutions you might have to problems that could affect all of us.
Social Media Streams
On a daily basis, the NMA also brings motorists news to you directly on a number of social media streams. We encourage you to follow us, like us and retweet/repost to help spread the word on the NMA and stories that matter to you!
NMA has two Twitter streams @motorists and @motoristnews.
We also have two Facebook pages: National Motorists Association (motorists) and the Automated Traffic Enforcement or ATE Racket Report.
Join us also on LinkedIn, Flipboard and even on Pinterest.
Gathering knowledge on motorists’ rights will help you become a better advocate and allow you to perhaps see things in a different light.
Fighting for rights is important…do not expect anyone else to do it for you!