The National Motorists Association presents Driver Courtesy Month 2022 during September and this year we have something spectacular for you!
The NMA’s Driver Education Committee along with freelance animator John Weeden developed 15 animations that depict various areas of driver courtesy. If you would like to check them out all at once, click here.
Over the next five weeks, we will showcase three of the animations each week. Here are the first three:
Drive Right, Pass Left!
Practice Lane Courtesy on multi-lane highways. Make sure you drive in the right lane and only pass in the left lane every time you drive.
Focus on Driving—No Distractions!
Driving is not the time to multi-task–Focus on Driving and avoid distractions every time you drive.
Don’t Tailgate!
Make sure you don’t drive too close behind someone else. Not only is tailgating dangerous, it also makes people mad. Provide a safe distance every time you drive!
One great way to think of driver courtesy is simple—the golden rule of driving. Drive like you want others to drive!
Thank you for your support of Driver Courtesy Month 2022 and of the National Motorists Association!