NMA E-Newsletter #298: Time to Raise Motorists’ Issues with Elected Officials

For better or worse, election season is upon us. That means it’s the perfect time to find out where your elected officials stand on a variety of motorists’ rights issues. Your local, state and federal representatives all have an obligation to respond to any reasonable question you pose. Pick the issues important to you and […]

NMA E-Newsletter #297: V2V—Technology Marches Forward

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has a vision for vehicle-to-vehicle communications and the role the technology will play in highway safety. In addition to issuing a lengthy report on the topic last month (DOT HS 812 014, Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications: Readiness of V2V Technology for Application), the federal agency is currently soliciting public comments […]

NMA E-Newsletter #296: Politicizing the BAC Debate Thwarts Finding Real Solutions

By a Massachusetts NMA Member I’ve been impressed with NMA’s diligence for years now, but I think you might need to take a closer look at slide three of the presentation at http://www.alcoholstats.com/uploads/DrunkDrivingStatistics.pdf before jumping into the politicized waters surrounding DUI and the BAC threshold. If I’m reading the chart correctly, in 2010 the total number of […]

NMA E-Newsletter #295: Cutting through the Emotional Rhetoric

Editor’s Note: The ticket camera companies are masters at exploiting the public’s emotional responses to traffic accidents and fatalities. Nothing like conjuring up a little fear and outrage to sell a few “safety” cameras, especially when the potential victims are school children. Nowhere is this cynicism more apparent than with school bus “stop arm” cameras […]

NMA E-Newsletter #294: Numbers Don’t Lie, People Do

We call it Competing Studies Syndrome. One study says red-light cameras significantly reduce accidents. Another says they have no effect, and still another says they actually increase accidents. Why so much conflicting information? An analysis published last month in The Journal of Evaluation and the Health Professions sheds some light on the issue. Researchers from […]

Traffic Attorney, DUI Attorney, and Personal Injury Attorney Testimonials

Dmitry Gorin, Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney

Top-ranked criminal and DUI defense lawyer who provides aggressive legal representation.

Virginia Criminal Lawyer Karin Riley Porter

A skilled Virginia traffic lawyer with over ten years of trial experience.

Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorney

Our personal injury attorneys provide legal representation for anyone who was hurt in an accident caused by the negligence of others.

Maryland Criminal Defense Lawyer Kush Arora

A seasoned Maryland traffic lawyer ready to defend you against DUI and reckless driving charges.