On Being Heard: NMA E-Newsletter #408

From NMA President Gary Biller At the heart of effective grassroots advocacy is the distinctive voice that can be heard above the din, whether an individual voice or the chorus of many. To be truly heard a lasting impression must be made. The NMA sends out several dozen legislative alerts to members via email each […]

Don’t (Snap)Shoot Yourself in the Foot Part 2. Newsletter Readers Respond: NMA E-Newsletter #407

NMA Newsletter #404 on the devices insurance companies want you to use as part of a good driver program and vehicle black boxes (or event data recorders) brought in some great comments for discussion. We thought we would share a few thoughts from NMA members. To read the October 9th NMA E-Newsletter #404, Don’t (Snap)Shoot Yourself […]


By K.C. Green, P.E., NMA North Carolina Member Been stuck in traffic lately?  Well join the club.  What could be more frustrating than piddling along at 5 mph when the speed limit’s 70?  It’s about the same time you say to yourself (or fellow passenger), “Why don’t they widen this (fill in the blank) road?”  […]

Time to Speak Up or Face the Possibility of Another National Maximum Speed Limit: NMA E-Newsletter #405

Several members have registered their opposition to a NHTSA proposal to cap the maximum speed of trucks following this NMA email alert on October 1st.  We hope more do the same before the public comment period ends on November 7th to help counteract a growing number of calls for a federal mandate that all vehicles […]

Don’t (Snap)Shoot Yourself in the Foot: NMA E-Newsletter #404

from Gary Biller, NMA President Let’s take a little quiz, one that I’ve given to a few audiences during NMA presentations. First question: Do you feel that you are a better-than-average driver? Second question: Would you consider enrolling in a program like Progressive’s Snapshot in which the insurance company offers a discounted premium for better […]

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A skilled Virginia traffic lawyer with over ten years of trial experience.

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Top-ranked criminal and DUI defense lawyer who provides aggressive legal representation.

Maryland Criminal Defense Lawyer Kush Arora

A seasoned Maryland traffic lawyer ready to defend you against DUI and reckless driving charges.

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Our personal injury attorneys provide legal representation for anyone who was hurt in an accident caused by the negligence of others.