NMA Email Newsletter: Issue #96

School Bus Stop Laws

Several members of the NMA are experts in their fields, by training and/or experience. Perhaps none approach the dedication of Justin JIH, a lifetime member who has researched, analyzed, critiqued, and compiled almost everything a motorist needs to know about school bus stop laws.

Justin provides a wonderful resource to help you learn about those laws and the penalties associated with violations. His website, School Bus Stop Laws in the United States, Canada and Other Countries, provides details for each state and province. Related information is also available for Australia, Belgium, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, Taiwan, and the U.K.

A valuable benefit of being an NMA member is the access gained to “The Experts’ Corner,” which consists of volunteers with specialized knowledge who graciously offer their expertise to our members. Justin has recently joined “The Experts’ Corner,” and is available to respond to questions about school bus stop laws via email from NMA members.

Tickets for illegally passing a school bus are more commonplace than you might think, and the charges tend to be treated as criminal violations with the real threat of jail or prison time for multiple offenders. It is important to know the school bus laws for the states and provinces where you drive so take a quick look at Justin’s website and familiarize yourself with the laws in your area.

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