The National Motorists Association received some thoughtful comments from readers like you and thought we should share them. If you missed reading Part 1, click HERE.
Editor’s Note: The opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the author.
Wow! Now that is some list. I could say, “Yes”, to all of them. Thought I would add my own thoughts too.
1. Traffic enforcement and the traffic courts are set up for their revenue enhancement.
2. Artificially low speed limits (not set to the 85th percentile) and the subsequent sneaky speed traps…
3. Police setting up pedestrian “stings”. A friend got caught in one of these when a disguised police officer stepped off the curb in front of him, he couldn’t stop in time and so as not to be rear-ended and cause an accident, he coasted past the point and got a ticket. How could a pedestrian be regarded as law-abiding by deliberately stepping in front of a moving vehicle anyway?
4. “Road Diets” and “Bulb-Outs at Intersections”: the removal of lanes of existing multiple traffic lanes. Some are just removed, some are for bicycles and some are for pedestrians.
5. “Roundabouts” placed in the middle of intersections that also have a 4-way stop. These streets used to have 2 lanes in each direction with the 4-way stop. What’s the point?
6. The “courts” vs. “the people” mentality.
7. Especially in California, the gas taxes have been diverted to other funds and the gov’t cries that they need to raise taxes again and again and again so they can fix the roads.
When all is said and done, the government needs our money. They have salaries, pensions and healthcare to fund.
Anonymous, California Member
How about a motorist on interstate passing a truck doing, say 60mph and having his speed control set for 60.5mph. Takes forever.
Dorsey Delavigne, Colorado Member
One of the ‘write-ins’ that I feel strongly should have been included in the survey is: “Police who don’t follow the same traffic laws that they enforce”. That is a subject that I’ve been concerned with since 1977, when I first began driving.
No one likes a hypocrite. A hypocrite in a position of authority is particularly bad, because of the greater harm their behavior causes. If a police officer; priest/rabbi/minister; teacher; judge; doctor; or anyone else who generally commands respect does not follow the rules/law it is very disillusioning to people.
Like most Americans I was brought up to respect and trust the police, and I did. Then I started driving and quickly noticed that the local and state police here in Maryland routinely, flagrantly, violate the law. That’s bad enough, but for them to turn around and issue citations to drivers who are following their example is the pinnacle of hypocrisy. It also creates unnecessary animosity toward the police in general.
Sherman Johnson, Maryland Member
You got all of my gripes. Good list.
Stu Orton, California Member
Glad to see that traffic enforcement for profit was soundly condemned. I know there are cops who also resent being used as armed tax collectors. It’s shocking to know that the yellow-light cycle is often shortened to enable red-light cameras to issue more citations. That public servants would knowingly make an intersection more dangerous in order to collect more fines turns local government into a racketeer influenced corrupt organization.
Kenneth Willis, Colorado Member
I agree with most of these complaints!! Also want to add cops being selective of who they go after!!!
Alfredo Aragona, Pennsylvania Member
The pet peeves of motorists in your survey almost ignores tailgating. We reside on a federal highway which runs from Western MA to Albany, NY and in the years we’ve lived here we’ve been victim of numerous accidents caused by tailgating. We’ve successfully sued those tailgaters who have caused accidents several times.
When tailgated I use my 4 way flashers and if that doesn’t work, I slow down.
Tailgaters are usually in such a hurry to get to their destination, they are oblivious to the danger they pose to themselves and others. One tailgater who was in an accident and sustained severe facial injuries was visibly upset when I stopped and asked if he had been tailgating. As he nodded the affirmative, I told him I hoped he had learned his lesson about tailgating. His answer was rage at me, he obviously didn’t understand his actions as the cause of the accident. He probably wasn’t ticketed as he should have been.
Tailgaters are the bane of my existence, I just hope the next tailgater I encounter doesn’t kill me.
Steve Sevits, New York Member
Editor’s Note: The opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the author.