31 Alerts From the TEXTING Tag

Driver Courtesy Month—an Educational Program for Motorists: NMA E-Newsletter #660

Welcome to Driver Courtesy Month! This month-long educational program promotes the idea that we should all be courteous drivers. We can all pursue the Golden Rule of Driving—drive like you want others to drive. Along with the NMA’s largest media campaign in recent years, we are supporting Driver Courtesy Month with information on the NMA’s […]

Are Cyclists Vision Zero Zealots—Readers’ Responses: NMA Weekly E-Newsletter #525

Last week, we emailed and posted on our website a guest newsletter entitled Are Cyclists Vision Zero Zealots? written by Eric Berg, an NMA Board Member, an NMA Life Member, an avid sport bicyclist, and a staunch defender of motorists’ rights. Readers, including some of whom (like Eric) are bicyclists, responded with interesting perspectives which […]

Walking While Distracted–Nobody Wins: NMA Weekly E-Newsletter #481

Have we become a nation of cellphone zombies? Many experts believe that the increase in distracted driving, in particular using a cellphone to text while driving, has been a big factor in the increase of traffic fatalities since 2009. Another factor apparently is distracted walking. Pedestrian deaths account for 16 percent of all traffic fatalities. […]

Senior Drivers in Transition: NMA E-Newsletter #474

Driving is not just about mobility—fundamentally it is about independence. None of us want to lose that freedom. Age is not the only factor in the decision to drive or not to drive anymore. Studies show that giving up this lifeline increases with age a person’s likelihood of suffering from depression and eventually ending up […]

Is Distracted Driving the new Drunk Driving? Part 2: NMA E-Newsletter #434

Part 1 dealt with how distracted driving enforcement campaigns, fueled by federal highway money, are also dragnets for other offenses. Part 2 examines new law enforcement tools to check on texting while driving. Currently, law enforcement has great difficulty in determining if a driver was using electronic devices before a crash (and more importantly whether […]

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Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorney

Our personal injury attorneys provide legal representation for anyone who was hurt in an accident caused by the negligence of others.

Virginia Criminal Lawyer Karin Riley Porter

A skilled Virginia traffic lawyer with over ten years of trial experience.

Dmitry Gorin, Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney

Top-ranked criminal and DUI defense lawyer who provides aggressive legal representation.

Maryland Criminal Defense Lawyer Kush Arora

A seasoned Maryland traffic lawyer ready to defend you against DUI and reckless driving charges.