6 Alerts From the Stop Signs Tag

Should Bikelash be Over?: NMA E-Newsletter #675

Even before the pandemic, bike lanes were springing up all over the country in cities large and small. Most motorists weren’t happy, mainly because fewer travel lanes typically translated into longer trips through congested traffic. During the pandemic, the rate of cities building bike lanes and banning cars on streets rose dramatically. The anti-car crowd […]

Traffic Safety is the Responsibility of All – Not Just Motorists: NMA E-Newsletter #674

In October, California Governor Gavin Newsom vetoed AB122, a bill that would have enabled bicyclists to utilize the Idaho Stop (using stop signs as yield signs if no cars or pedestrians are present). Newsom cited safety as the primary reason for the veto: “While I share the author’s intent to increase bicyclist safety, I am […]

Anti-Driving Regulations Will Become Law Unless You Act Now, Part 2 – Stop Signs

Note from NMA, October 2021: This alert was posted before the public comment period ended on May 14, 2021. We have crossed out or deactivated the links related to the expired comment period. The information about the proposed changes to the MUTCD is still very much relevant as the FHWA has yet to respond to […]

A Shot Across the Bow: NMA E-Newsletter #645

A number of recent NMA e-newsletters and national email alerts to members have focused on the seismic event brewing with the national standard for traffic control devices: The Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) proposed federal rule to massively overhaul the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Among the myriad recommendations are changes to speed zoning […]

Equity and the MUTCD: NMA E-Newsletter #644

As we have noted prominently in recent newsletters and email action alerts, the Federal Highway Administration has recommended sweeping changes to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). In Equity and Sustainability (NMA E-Newsletter #637), we criticized the appropriation of those terms, particularly ‘equity,’ to demand broad restrictions on drivers and driving. NMA Director […]

Traffic Attorney, DUI Attorney, and Personal Injury Attorney Testimonials

Maryland Criminal Defense Lawyer Kush Arora

A seasoned Maryland traffic lawyer ready to defend you against DUI and reckless driving charges.

Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorney

Our personal injury attorneys provide legal representation for anyone who was hurt in an accident caused by the negligence of others.

Virginia Criminal Lawyer Karin Riley Porter

A skilled Virginia traffic lawyer with over ten years of trial experience.

Dmitry Gorin, Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney

Top-ranked criminal and DUI defense lawyer who provides aggressive legal representation.