37 Alerts From the speed limits Tag

NMA E-Newsletter #736: Your Freedom to Travel is Under Attack

By Jay Beeber, Director of Policy & Research, National Motorists Association If there was any doubt before, now we have a clear indication that the WAR ON CARS is real –and it’s being waged at the highest levels of society by authoritarian culture warriors. These tyrannical elitists seek to eliminate our freedom to travel where […]

NMA E-Newsletter #734: National Roadway Safety Strategy: Is it a better mouse trap?

By Stewart W. Price, President of the National Motorists Association In January of 2022, the U.S. Department of Transportation, led by Secretary Pete Buttigieg, published the “National Roadway Safety Strategy,” (NRSS) which serves as the playbook for revamping our current roadway system. It spells out the following goals and corresponding implementation strategies for: Safer People […]

Taking the Politics Out of Speed Limit Setting—a Member Responds: NMA Newsletter #729

By Don Bain, NMA Oregon Member  Editor’s Note: Don submitted these comments to the NMA National Office in response to Newsletter #724 Taking the Politics Out of Speed Limit Setting. While sound from an engineering perspective, there’s an inherent challenge with speed surveys and the 85% percentile speed point: establishing and documenting what “free-flowing conditions” are, […]

Reducing Speed Limits to 20 mph has little Impact on Driving Behavior: NMA E-Newsletter #728

UK research found that cutting speed limits on urban roads does not significantly improve safety. The likely reason—motorists will drive the speed limit they feel most comfortable with based on road design, weather conditions, and traffic. Belfast officials changed the speed limits to 20 mph on 76 roads in 2016. Researchers analyzed data from before […]

Taking the Politics Out of Speed Limit Setting: NMA E-Newsletter #724

All traffic is local, and nothing gets people riled up more than speed limits. The 85th percentile has been the standard for measuring speed limits for years. Due to pressure from groups such as Vision Zero and Complete Streets, this standard of measuring speed is losing ground in states such as California, Oregon, and Massachusetts, […]

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Our personal injury attorneys provide legal representation for anyone who was hurt in an accident caused by the negligence of others.

Virginia Criminal Lawyer Karin Riley Porter

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A seasoned Maryland traffic lawyer ready to defend you against DUI and reckless driving charges.