91 Alerts From the RED LIGHT CAMERA Tag

An Eye on Recent Motorist Rights Court Cases, Part 2: NMA Weekly E-Newsletter #530

Many motorist rights court cases have made news in the past three months. Last week, we presented the first part of this update that focused on federal court decisions, and a few from the US Supreme Court. This week, we are diving into key motorist-related cases in state supreme or appellate courts. Our hope is […]

The Next Ten Years – Readers’ Edition, Part 1: NMA E-Newsletter #522

When we published E-Newsletter #520, The Next Ten Years, on December 30, 2018 with predictions from some NMA and NMA Foundation directors of the challenges that the NMA and motoring public are going to face over the next decade, we encouraged readers to provide their insights. And boy, have you. We currently have enough material […]

Problem Solved: Ban Cars – NMA Weekly E-Newsletter #516

Randy LoBasso, policy manager at the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia, loves to hate the National Motorists Association. We are often the bogeyman he uses as a counterpoint to his pro-bicyclist, Vision Zero, anti-car rhetoric. For instance:  “Let’s understand what the National Motorists Association is: An extremist fringe group that thrives on emotional explanations to […]

NMA Lobbying in DC, Part 1 – Reeling in Traffic Enforcement: NMA E-Newsletter #464

By Gary Biller, NMA President  Enabled by contributors to our Spring 2017 Campaign, the NMA is pursuing its 2017-18 National Legislative Agenda in Washington. More precisely the current focus is on two of the agenda items – eliminating federally funded ticket blitzes and restricting the bounds of civil asset forfeiture. Part 2 of this newsletter […]

What Bugs Motorists Part 2, Your Comments: NMA E-Newsletter #445

The National Motorists Association received some thoughtful comments from readers like you and thought we should share them.  If you missed reading Part 1, click HERE. Editor’s Note: The opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the author. Wow! Now that is some list. I could say, “Yes”, to all of them. Thought I would add my […]

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