17 Alerts From the LICENSE PLATE Tag

A License Plate to Remember: NMA Weekly E-Newsletter #490

A requirement of owning a vehicle, the lowly license plate has its place among the more tedious aspects of our driving existence. No one enjoys going on online or waiting at the DMV to purchase their yearly tags. But without them, we would be stopped and fined heavily. Car registration coupled with our faithful license […]

MA Inspection Station Cameras Spy on More Than Just License Plates: NMA E-Newsletter #487

From guest writer Joe Cadillic of the MassPrivatel Blog. Since October 1, 2017, Massachusetts vehicle inspection sticker stations have each been required to purchase five cameras to record vehicles in real-time. The new system called ‘Mass Vehicle Check‘ (MVC) requires inspectors and stations to spend between $5,710.00 – $8.141.00 dollars on government-approved surveillance gear. Forcing vehicle inspection stations to pay […]

NMA Lobbying in DC, Part 1 – Reeling in Traffic Enforcement: NMA E-Newsletter #464

By Gary Biller, NMA President  Enabled by contributors to our Spring 2017 Campaign, the NMA is pursuing its 2017-18 National Legislative Agenda in Washington. More precisely the current focus is on two of the agenda items – eliminating federally funded ticket blitzes and restricting the bounds of civil asset forfeiture. Part 2 of this newsletter […]

Funding Infrastructure in Rural America—a Snapshot of Three States: NMA E-Newsletter #463

Whenever the media reports on infrastructure, much of the time the discussion centers on urban cores and highways. Small towns and rural roads are often left out of the discussion but related infrastructure needs can be just as critical. Securing adequate funding for road and bridge maintenance requires the active involvement and cooperation of rural, […]

J’accuse! The Future of Traffic Enforcement?: NMA E-Newsletter #401

Nexar, a fast-growing U.S.-Israeli startup, is marketing a smartphone-turned-dashcam app that records the habits of nearby drivers. If any get out of line – a few mph over the posted speed limit, making a sudden lane change, or any other maneuver the app deems as questionable – it records the license plate of the offending […]

Traffic Attorney, DUI Attorney, and Personal Injury Attorney Testimonials

Maryland Criminal Defense Lawyer Kush Arora

A seasoned Maryland traffic lawyer ready to defend you against DUI and reckless driving charges.

Virginia Criminal Lawyer Karin Riley Porter

A skilled Virginia traffic lawyer with over ten years of trial experience.

Dmitry Gorin, Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney

Top-ranked criminal and DUI defense lawyer who provides aggressive legal representation.

Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorney

Our personal injury attorneys provide legal representation for anyone who was hurt in an accident caused by the negligence of others.