11 Alerts From the ITE Tag

Transportation Engineers Debate Vision Zero, Part 2: NMA E-Newsletter #564

Last week in Part 1, we shared some posts made on the Institute of Transportation Engineers Member Forum that started a debate about the efficacy of the Vision Zero goals. The discussion in that thread — “A ‘War on Cars’? Let there be Peace!” — was too varied and interesting to fit into the contents […]

Transportation Engineers Debate Vision Zero, Part 1: NMA E-Newsletter #563

Buckle up and get comfortable. This will be a bit of a journey. We recently became aware of a fascinating thread on the ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers) Member Forum titled, “A ‘War on Cars’? Let there be Peace!” Access to the Forum is restricted, but we were able to capture much of the debate […]

NMA Wrap Up of Legislative Activity, 3rd Quarter 2019: NMA E-Newsletter #562

July, August, and September were not nearly as active in resolving NMA-tracked legislation as in the second quarter, but October began with some very important events that will have positive ramifications for motorists well into the future. Let’s start with the final disposition of bills in the third quarter:   Bills Opposed by the NMA […]

“These Cameras Are Not a Safety Tool . . .”: NMA E-Newsletter #556

The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety took a page out of its own book, and that of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), by issuing a recent report on red-light running with a title designed to send the media into a frenzy. “Red Light Running Deaths Hit 10 Year High” did exactly that. While […]

The Next Ten Years: NMA Weekly E-Newsletter #520

We wanted to do something special for Issue #520 because it marks ten years of uninterrupted weekly NMA e-newsletters that, we hope, have provided entertaining (if not thought-provoking) perspectives. To carry on that tradition, NMA and NMA Foundation directors were asked to provide mini essays for the occasion. No one likes homework but they tackled […]

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