39 Alerts From the ILLINOIS Tag

NMA E-Newsletter #158: NMA’s 2011 4th Quarter Legislative Update

The NMA has always advocated for motorists’ rights at the national, state and local level. This goes back to our founding in 1982 when we began the fight to repeal the 55 mph Maximum National Speed Limit. Today, we routinely track legislation and …

NMA Email Newsletter: Issue #64

The Magic of Yellow Or, perhaps the title should be, “The Magic of Time.” All it takes to expose the fallacy of red-light camera programs is 0.5 to 1.5 seconds. About the time it takes you to swallow a gulp of water. Less time than it takes to twe…

NMA Email Newsletter: Issue #35

U.S. Toll Roads — Making Money For Whom? In recent years, some U.S. transportation authorities have sold outright their stake in local toll roads to foreign corporations. The results are rarely pretty. Transurban and Macquarie Infrastructure Grou…

NMA Email Newsletter: Issue #21

Periodically we receive questions regarding what kinds of information a person is required to give a police officer upon demand. The review and discussion by NMA member Ted Levitt (included below) is a general overview of the topic, in particular …

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