NMA E-Newsletter #158: NMA’s 2011 4th Quarter Legislative Update

The NMA has always advocated for motorists’ rights at the national, state and local level. This goes back to our founding in 1982 when we began the fight to repeal the 55 mph Maximum National Speed Limit. Today, we routinely track legislation and alert members when and how they can make their opinions known. The last quarter of 2011 was very busy in this regard, and we thought it would be informative to summarize our efforts nationally.


  • The NMA opposed Senate Bill 0965, which passed in November and authorized speed cameras for the City of Chicago. The measure is waiting for gubernatorial action. Note: there is still time to contact Gov. Quinn and urge him to veto this bill.


  • In November, The NMA opposed efforts by the Iowa City Council to initiate a red-light camera program. The council passed an ordinance authorizing the cameras in early January.


  • The NMA opposed House Bill 918 and House Bill 1799, currently with the joint transportation committee. Both would authorize red-light cameras in the state.
  • The NMA supported House Bill 905 (also in front of the committee), which would allow vehicles to display one rear license plate only.
  • The NMA also supported House Bill 2058, which would make an expired inspection sticker not a surchargeable incident and is before the joint financial services committee.


  • In December, Gov. Snyder signed NMA-supported legislation to repeal portions of the state’s Driver Responsibility Act, which imposes a system of surcharges for certain traffic violations or the accumulation of too many points on one’s driver license.
  • In November, the NMA supported Senate Bill 795 , which would close loopholes in Public Act 85. PA 85 requires speed limits to be set in accordance with proven engineering principles. The bill is under review in the Senate transportation committee.


  • The NMA worked against Senate Bill 595 which would authorize red-light cameras in 19 cities beyond Philadelphia. The measure passed the Senate in October and is currently under review in the House transportation committee. In November NMA member Jim Walker testified before the committee against a related House bill.
  • The NMA opposed Senate Bill 1184 requiring ignition interlock devices for first-time DUI offenders. The bill passed out of the Senate transportation committee and awaits further action in the appropriations committee.
  • In December, Gov. Corbett signed NMA-opposed l egislation authorizing a six-month continuation of Philadelphia’s red-light camera program.

New Mexico:

  • In October the NMA supported efforts by Albuquerque voters to reject red-light cameras in a non-binding referendum. The city council subsequently voted to repeal the red-light camera ordinance.


  • In November the NMA supported voters in South Euclid, Garfield Heights and Ashtabula who rejected red-light cameras in ballot measures.
  • East Cleveland voters chose to retain red-light cameras after the mayor threatened layoffs of police and firefighters if the cameras weren’t saved.


  • Thanks in part to the efforts of Wisconsin NMA members, in November the Dane County Board of Supervisors voted against a $20 per vehicle wheel tax.
  • The NMA opposed Senate Bill 320 requiring ignition interlock devices for all first-time DUI offenders. The bill is in the Senate Judiciary, Utilities, Commerce, and Government Operations Committee.

We’d like to thank our members and state activists for their hard work in 2011. They spent countless hours tracking issues, sending emails, making phone calls, responding to media requests and educating policymakers, who aren’t always sympathetic to our issues.

We’re always looking for ways to be a more effective advocate for you, our members. If you would like to get involved in this endeavor, contact us or your state activist. We’d like to hear from you.

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