In this week’s Roundup!
–Report on States suspension of Driver’s Licenses–
–CA Judge busts state for gas tax vote interference–
–Study finds Yellow Timings more effective at intersections–
Friday, September 29, 2017
Report Tracks Cash Incentive For States To Suspend Driving Licenses
Driver’s license suspension laws around the country are having unexpected negative effects, a report released Tuesday by the Legal Aid Justice Center found. According to the Virginia-based group, forty-six create a vicious cycle of debt by denying motorists their right to drive when they are unable to pay speeding ticket fines or other court-enforced debts that have nothing to do with driving.
Thursday, September 28, 2017
California Judge Busts State For Interfering With Gas Tax Vote
A superior court judge on Monday caught California officials cheating in an attempt to dissuade voters from blocking an increase in the statewide gasoline tax at the ballot box. Judge Timothy M. Frawley took the extreme step of re-writing the summary information for the ballot proposal after finding state Attorney General Xavier Becerra’s draft text was unfair to gas tax opponents like Assemblyman Travis Allen (R-Huntington Beach).
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Speed Camera Executives Still Ignore Own Photo Radar Tickets
Arizona residents wondering whether it is safe to ignore their speed camera tickets might take inspiration from the new executive team at American Traffic Solutions (ATS). Court records show that high-ranking employees of the Arizona-based speed camera and red-light camera provider have dodged process servers and ignored their own photo radar tickets.
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Study Finds Yellow Time Most Effective At Curbing Red Light Running
Increasing the duration of the yellow timing at intersections in Chicago, Illinois by one second would have the greatest impact on reducing red light running. That was the finding of a team of Northwestern University researchers who took advantage of the data gathered by 152 red-light cameras over the course of six years to gain insight into the factors that play a significant role in red light running.
Monday, September 25, 2017
France, Latvia: Speed Cameras Flipped, Scorched, Sprayed
In Ozolnieki, Latvia on Wednesday, vigilantes used burning tires to take out one of the first speed cameras ever installed in the country. According to Latvijas Sabiedriskie Mediji, two other cameras have been similarly torched — one in Jaunmarupe in April and another in Jurmala in June.