If you support the goals of the National Motorists Association to work toward a) realistic speed limits, b) the elimination of ticket cameras and speed traps, and c) the enactment of traffic laws enforced for safety and not for revenue, you can make a significant difference by helping us receive a financial grant for our […]
457 Blog Posts From the NMA Tag
Right for the Wrong Reason
By John Carr, NMA Massachusetts Activist “It’s the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs.” — Han Solo (Nerd rage) — Astronomers everywhere Victory? Last year an Ohio appeals court threw out evidence from a laser gun. Police were using an LTI UltraLyte but there was no evidence that the UltraLyte […]
Watchdogs on the Prowl in New Jersey
By Gary Biller, NMA President Call us skeptics. We at the NMA wear that label proudly. Keeping government agencies honest in their dealings with the motoring public has been a full-time job for the past 30 years, and there are no indications that we’ll be able to ease up anytime soon.
Turning the Tables
By John Carr, NMA Massachusetts Activist “You have zero privacy anyway. Get over it.”– Scott McNealy, 1999 License plate scanners are in the news. Politicians like them because they catch people who haven’t paid taxes. Police departments like them because they turn legwork into seatwork. Officers can drive around waiting for a computer alert. Detectives can […]
Martin Swig: Auto Enthusiast, Racer, Supporter of Drivers’ Rights
Photo: Lance Iversen, The Chronicle / SF By Gary Biller, NMA President I lost my opportunity to meet Martin in person and will forever regret it. I was just a few short weeks from meeting him in Sausalito, California at a gathering of National Motorists Association members. Martin was helping me organize that meeting, but […]
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