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ODOT reveals new statewide transit plan
October 27, 2020 • Misc
The gas tax was already broken. The pandemic could end it.
October 26, 2020 • Misc
State’s first draft public transit plan released by ODOT and Oklahoma Transit Association, public urged to give feedback
October 23, 2020 • Misc
A look at the actual dollars each state gets from the highway bill. (It’s less than you think.)
October 22, 2020 • Misc
U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao Announces $6.5 Million to Seven States and Pawnee Nation for Highway Innovations
October 22, 2020 • Misc
Oklahoma DOT bringing revenue bond deal
October 19, 2020 • Misc
Point-Counterpoint: Defunding the police creates more problems
October 19, 2020 • Misc
How Technology Will Shape the Transportation Revolution
October 16, 2020 • Misc
ODOT requests feedback on communications from media and community partners
October 15, 2020 • Misc
Oklahoma Turnpike Authority celebrates opening of Kickapoo Turnpike with virtual ceremony
October 13, 2020 • Misc
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