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Chicago might ban autonomous vehicles
December 12, 2016 • Misc
‘Trying to Put the Puzzle Together’: Inside the Investigation Into One of the Biggest Corruption Cases in Chicago History
December 7, 2016 • Misc
Illinois should seize chance to update forfeiture laws
December 2, 2016 • Misc
Chicago is thinking of lowering the default speed limit to 25 mph
November 29, 2016 • Misc
Toll lanes on the Ike? State’s all for it
November 29, 2016 • Misc
Will Trump’s $1 trillion answer Chicago suburban transportation wishes?
November 29, 2016 • Misc
Tolls not keeping drivers off Route 390
November 22, 2016 • Misc
Meacham, Roselle ramps open on Addams tollway; what work is left?
November 22, 2016 • Misc
Approval of red light cameras confounds Oak Brook officials
November 18, 2016 • Misc
New Urbana, IL traffic-stop data shows blacks most affected
November 11, 2016 • Misc
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