Each Wednesday, we’ll publish quick summaries of the articles from the last week on TheNewspaper.com. We’re doing this because these articles are often strongly connected to the issues that National Motorists Association members are interested in.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
California: Two More Cities Chose To End Red-Light Camera Use
California was once the number one state for photo enforcement with dozens of cities turning to private contractors eager to dish out $500 tickets, the most expensive in the nation. Over the years, the devices have become less popular with the public with the residents of Anaheim, Murrieta and Newport Beach voting to ban them. City officials have taken notice, and so far almost fifty jurisdictions that once used the cameras have decided to take them down. Add El Cajon and South Gate to the list.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Maryland: Court Upholds Traffic Stop Over Third Brake Light
Police in Maryland can stop and interrogate a driver if he is driving a car with a burned out third brake light. The Court of Special Appeals ruled earlier this month that allowing the car to continue with only two functional brake lights would pose a safety hazard to the public.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Reports: Speeding Not A Cause Of Child Accidents
On August 30, Chicago, Illinois announced the locations for fifty speed cameras in school zones and parks. Officials insist the goal of the program is to protect children from being run over by speeding drivers by heavily enforcing the posted speed limit. A report from the UK Department for Transport (DfT) using 2009 data and a report from King County, Washington using 2000 to 2003 data suggest exceeding the speed limit is not a significant cause of child or pedestrian accidents.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Italy, New Zealand: Speed Cameras Protested
In Waikato, New Zealand, a mobile speed camera vehicle driver told Fairfax News “I get a real buzz out of catching people doing high speeds.” The response to this attitude from the general public has been contempt. All of the photo radar van drivers in the area have been called “road nazi,” “revenue gatherer” and other insults that the camera crew were afraid to repeat.
Friday, September 20, 2013
French Study Investigates Danger Of Speed Limit Fixation
In jurisdictions with automated speed enforcement, cruise control can save drivers from receiving a nasty surprise in the mail. A study released July 30 from the Vinci Autoroutes Foundation concluded that this reliance on cruise control can actually make driving more dangerous.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Ohio Supreme Court Takes Up Photo Enforcement Again
Ohio’s Supreme Court may once again take up the legality of red-light camera and speed camera programs. The cities of Toledo, Columbus and Dayton have joined Redflex Traffic Systems of Australia in petitioning the justices to overturn a Court of Appeals decision from June that found Toledo’s administrative review process unconstitutional.