Each Wednesday, we’ll publish quick summaries of the articles from the last week on TheNewspaper.com. We’re doing this because these articles are often strongly connected to the issues that National Motorists Association members are interested in.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Washington: Voter Initiative Kills New Toll Roads
Converting freeways into toll roads is one of the most popular types of project among transportation bureaucrats and certain politicians. When asked their opinion on the wisdom of tolling, voters have expressed a far different sentiment. In Washington state, for example, there is now no question that Initiative 1185, which took effect last December, will block a number of tolling projects that have been in the works.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Federal Appeals Court Busts Police For Contempt Of Cop Arrest
A motorist who was less than cooperative when police performed a traffic stop on her property was vindicated Friday. A federal appeals court made it clear that taking a longer than expected time to produce identification and “being up to no good,” was not grounds for arrest.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Redflex Sues Its Own Employee Over Chicago Red-Light Camera Scandal
Red-light camera companies have been known to sue their own customers, as well as one another. Now a photo ticketing firm is suing its own senior management. Redflex Traffic Systems has been dragged down by allegations of widespread corruption, and the firm is seeking to transfer the blame with a lawsuit against former Executive Vice President Aaron M. Rosenberg.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
France, Italy, UK: Vigilantes Take On Speed Cameras
In Wintzenheim, France vigilantes used heavy excavator machinery to rip apart a speed camera on the D417. According to L’Alsace, the massive piece of construction equipment was taken from a work site a few hundred yards away from the automated ticketing machine. The vigilantes left the excavator claw smashed into the camera. On Monday, a newly installed camera in Ostheim on the N83 was also pulled down with a rope or chain.
Friday, March 08, 2013
Ohio, Maryland Courts Address Speed Camera Due Process Concerns
Judges in Ohio and Maryland are cracking down on the legal shortcuts speed camera vendors frequently take. A Hamilton County, Ohio Court of Common Pleas judge put a stop to it on Thursday with a permanent injunction prohibiting photo radar contractor Optotraffic from issuing $105 photo tickets in the village of Elmwood Place. In Baltimore County, Maryland last month, a circuit court judge ruled that the county has been violating state law by paying Xerox a bounty for every ticket the private company drops in the mail.
Thursday, March 07, 2013
Hayward, California Dumps Redflex And Red-Light Cameras
Redflex Traffic Systems is losing another customer. On Tuesday, Hayward, California’s city council voted 6-1 to end the use of red-light cameras at the earliest possible opportunity, joining thirty-four other California cities that have decided to abandon automated ticketing. Hayward’s decision comes at a time when the Australian-based company is reeling from investigations of its involvement in bribery schemes in Chicago, Illinois and two other cities.