Each Wednesday, we’ll publish quick summaries of the articles from the last week on TheNewspaper.com. We’re doing this because these articles are often strongly connected to the issues that National Motorists Association members are interested in.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
South Dakota Legislature Bans Red-Light Cameras
Lawmakers in South Dakota are serious about ensuring residents never again receive a photo enforcement ticket. On Tuesday the state Senate voted 34 to 1 in favor of legislation prohibiting photo ticketing companies from accessing the data needed to issue speed camera or red-light camera tickets for alleged violations committed in another state. On Monday, the state House gave final approval to a ban on red-light cameras that now heads to Governor Dennis Daugaard (R) for his signature.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Georgia Court Reminds Cops To Remember The Pretext
The Georgia Court of Appeals last week reminded local police officers to act concerned about a traffic violation when conducting a pretextual traffic stop. Woodstock police forgot to do this on April 29, 2012, when they pulled over the truck driven by Cynthia Myers, 32, with her boyfriend Adam Bennett, 25, in the passenger seat. The officer claimed he made the stop because the truck was missing its rear bumper.
Monday, March 10, 2014
South Dakota Governor Blasts Iowa Traffic Cameras
South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard (R) is tired of having Sioux City shake down South Dakotans as they pass through Iowa. In a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Thursday, Daugaard transportation policy advisor Matt Konenkamp blasted Iowa’s speed trap tactics and offered an amendment to legislation that would prevent photo enforcement companies like Redflex Traffic Systems of Australia and Arizona-based American Traffic Soluions from accessing the South Dakota driver’s license records they need to issue citations. The committee unanimously adopted the recommendation.
Sunday, March 09, 2014
California, Italy, UK: Traffic Cameras Trashed
Vigilantes in Oakland, California splashed a pair of red-light cameras with pink paint on Wednesday. According to a post on the San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center, the Technophobic Women’s Action Team attacked the devices to protest the city council’s approval of a surveillance system called the Domain Awareness Center (DAC). The painted devices are located at the intersections of 36th Street and Market Street, and Northgate Avenue and 27th Street.
Friday, March 07, 2014
California Cops Arrested Over Impounding Scam
King City, California’s former police chief went before a judge with two of his fellow officers Thursday to plead not guilty in a car impounding scheme that saw a total of six officers charged with various crimes including embezzlement and bribery. The scandal has rocked the coastal California town of 13,000, especially members of the Hispanic community who found themselves targeted and raised the alarm in meetings last summer.
Thursday, March 06, 2014
Texas Voters Reject Red-Light Camera Candidates
Two of the figures most responsible for the spread of red-light cameras in the Lone Star State lost their jobs Tuesday. Texas state Senator John Carona (R-Dallas) and state Representative Linda Harper-Brown (R-Irving) were both defeated in Republican primary elections. Rodney Anderson, a one-term state representative, took out Harper-Brown with 53 percent of the vote. Tea Party candidate Don Huffines ousted Carona by 636 votes.