Roundup: July 27, 2016

Each Wednesday, we’ll publish quick summaries of the articles from the last week on We’re doing this because these articles are often strongly connected to the issues that National Motorists Association members are interested in.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Virginia Town Destroyed Required Red-Light Camera Records
Virginia law requires that municipalities formally consider alternatives to red-light cameras before they are allowed to install the devices. When Joe Bahen, a licensed traffic engineer representing the National Motorists Association, asked the city of Virginia Beach if he could take a look at the formal documentation of these engineering reviews, he was shocked to learn that the evidence had been deleted.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016
New Jersey Supreme Court Allows High Beams On Empty Roads
Driving on a deserted road with high beams on is perfectly legal in New Jersey, according to a ruling from the state’s highest court. The justices last week unanimously decided to drop charges against Al-Sharif Scriven, who had been pulled over on November 3, 2013 for driving with her headlights on the brightest setting.

Monday, July 25, 2016
France, Italy, Luxembourg, UK: Speed Cameras Disabled
On Wednesday, vigilantes in Essex, England set fire to a speed camera, the Essex Chronicle reported. The automated ticketing machine had previously been issuing tickets on the A414 Maldon road in Danbury.

Friday, July 22, 2016
Virginia: Lawsuit Seeks To End License Suspension Over Unpaid Fees
A group of Virginia motorists is asking a federal judge earlier this month to restrain state officials from suspending driver’s licenses for reasons wholly unrelated to an individual’s ability to drive. Their lawsuit, filed earlier this month, challenges the constitutionality of the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicle’s use of license suspension as a means of collecting on speeding tickets and other fees, which totaled $618 million in 2014.

Thursday, July 21, 2016
Minnesota Study Finds No Benefit To Work Zone Speed Cams
Several states, including Maryland and Illinois, deploy speed cameras in highway “work zones” claiming that their use will reduce accidents. A Minnesota Department of Transportation (DOT) study released at the beginning of the year found no evidence that speed cameras had any positive impact on driver behavior and awareness.

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