Roundup: July 10, 2017

In this week’s Roundup!

–Australia state refuses to refund hacked RLC–

–IA Supreme Crt rejects road side search warrants–

–London mayor showcases his anti-car plan for the future–

Friday, July 7, 2017
Australia: State Refuses Refunds From Virus Infected Speed Cameras
The government of Victoria, Australia is refusing to refund fines to thousands of motorists who were issued tickets by speed cameras that had been compromised by the WannaCry ransomware virus on June 6. In a report issued earlier today, the state’s speed camera commissioner insisted there was “no evidence” that the photo ticketing data on the infected cameras had been tampered with.

Thursday, July 6, 2017
Iowa Supreme Court Rejects Roadside Search Warrants
Roadside search warrants are not ready for prime time, a divided Iowa Supreme Court ruled last Friday. The high court concluded that advances in modern communications technology did not render obsolete the “automobile exception” that denies motorists the full Fourth Amendment protection against warrantless seizures.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017
UK: London Mayor Goes All Out With Anti-Car Strategy
London Mayor Sadiq Khan wants the UK capital city to be a showcase for anti-car activism. Last month, he released a £3.3 billion (US $4.2 billion) draft transport strategy focused on increasing taxes on drivers to subsidize less efficient means of travel.

Monday, July 3, 2017
France, Saudi Arabia: Speed Cameras Torched, Painted
In Kerdual, France, vigilantes on Sunday disabled a speed camera by painting it bright blue. According to Ouest France, this was the second time since spring this camera has been taken out of service. In Henansal, fluorescent yellow spraypaint was used on the speed camera on the D768 last week Sunday, Le Telegramme reported. Such incidents are on the rise, according to Radars Auto, citing government figures compiled by the Delegation a la Securite Routiere that show the state budgeted 6.8 million euros (US $7.7 million) to cover anticipated damages.

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