Roundup: July 10, 2013

Each Wednesday, we’ll publish quick summaries of the articles from the last week on We’re doing this because these articles are often strongly connected to the issues that National Motorists Association members are interested in.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Another Maryland Town To Refund Illegal Speed Camera Tickets
Greenbelt, Maryland admitted Monday that 664 illegally issued speed camera tickets would be refunded because the for-profit vendor Brekford failed to meet the certification requirements set by state law.

Tuesday, July 09, 2013
Oregon Supreme Court Allows Unticketed Drivers To Be Searched
The Supreme Court of Oregon had no problem on Wednesday authorizing police officers to detain and search a motorist who committed no traffic violation worth ticketing. James Kenneth Watson had been driving through Myrtle Creek on April 21, 2008 when Officer Kris Malek recognized him and decided to pull him over. Officer Malek claimed Watson’s car briefly crossed over the yellow painted lane divider stripes. Watson said he drifted a bit because he dropped his cell phone and he reached down to grab it.

Monday, July 08, 2013
California Treasurer Reports On Floundering Toll Road Finances
Toll roads remain in vogue among the transportation bureaucracy, but existing projects around the country continue to struggle financially. California’s Foothill-Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency, which runs the 241, 261 and 133 toll roads in Orange County, are so depressed that a report released Wednesday by the office of California State Treasurer Bill Lockyer suggests would deliver a blow to the state economy.

Sunday, July 07, 2013
Ohio: Tape Shuts Down Speed Cameras
Vigilantes shut down a pair of speed cameras in Lucas, Ohio last weekend by covering lenses with duct tape. According to the Mansfield News Journal, officials plan to install cameras to watch the cameras.

Friday, July 05, 2013
Virginia: $10 Million Red-Light Camera Caught With Short Yellow
One of the most profitable red-light camera intersections in Virginia Beach, Virginia has been pulling in millions based from faulty engineering. The automated ticketing machine at the corner of Great Neck Road and Virginia Beach Boulevard generated $10 million worth of red-light camera tickets, only to see profits tumble 64 percent when the yellow signal timing was extended by half-a-second in January.

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