In this week’s Roundup!
-WI Lawmakers interested in tolling-
-FL report show RLC accidents up-
-ID Court found a forced blood draw exception-
Friday, January 6, 2017
Wisconsin Officials Promote Tolling
Just before the New Year’s holiday, officials at the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) dropped a report exploring the ways in which the state could turn a profit by imposing tolls on its highways. Wisconsin lawmakers requested the document, which estimated that a 12 cent-per-mile charge for the use of existing interstates could generate $46 billion in revenue by 2050. There is one hitch in the plan, however.
Thursday, January 5, 2017
Florida: State Report Shows Red-Light Camera Accidents Up
Red-light cameras are on the decline in Florida, but the amount of money the devices collect continues to rise. That was one of the key findings in the year-end report on automated ticketing issued last week by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. The agency tabulated information supplied by local jurisdictions, reporting that six cities dumped cameras last year, reducing the total number of devices operating statewide by 13 percent.
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Red-Light Camera Company Sued Again For Prevailing Wage Violation
Another former traffic camera company employee says he has been shortchanged by American Traffic Solutions (ATS). In a new federal lawsuit, George A. Felix alleges the traffic camera vendor forced him to work more than eight hours per day without being paid overtime, and at a rate far below that required under California law.
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Idaho Supreme Court Creates Forced Blood Draw Exception
Police in Idaho no longer need a warrant to take blood forcibly from a motorist — as long as a judge does not pick up the phone. The state Supreme Court on Friday upheld the involuntary extraction of blood from Daniel Chernobieff, who had been stopped around 11pm on September 11, 2013 for a routine traffic violation.
Monday, January 2, 2017
Italy, France, South Africa: Speed Cameras Disabled
In Johannesburg, South Africa, festive vigilantes decided to decorate a speed camera on Christmas. The automated ticketing machine was covered in a black plastic bag with tinsel and a bright “Merry Christmas” sign.