Roundup: December 9, 2015

Each Wednesday, we’ll publish quick summaries of the articles from the last week on We’re doing this because these articles are often strongly connected to the issues that National Motorists Association members are interested in.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Think Tank Report Examines Photo Ticketing Motivation
Is photo enforcement for the money, or for safety? That is the question posed in a report released Tuesday by the Winnipeg, Canada-based think tank, the Frontier Centre for Public Policy. Researchers Hiroko Shimizu and Pierre Desrochers sought to place commonly cited traffic safety statistics in context to see whether the claims of photo enforcement advocates hold up to scrutiny.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Illinois: Chicago Still Trying To Withhold Emails
The city of Chicago, Illinois is doing everything it can to keep the local newspaper from getting a hold of documents related to the controversial red-light camera and speed camera programs. Cook County Circuit Court Judge Kathleen M. Pantle heard motions from city lawyers last week designed to delay the process.

Monday, December 7, 2015
Iowa, Australia, France, Italy: Speed Cameras Torched, Trashed
In Fort Dodge, Iowa a vigilante torched the Ford Escape photo radar van belonging to the UK vendor Redspeed. According to KCCI-TV, $40,000 in equipment was completely destroyed.

Friday, December 4, 2015
Federal Judge Prepares For Redflex Corruption Trial
US District Judge Virginia M. Kendall on Thursday held a hearing to prepare for January’s red-light camera corruption trial of John Bills. Government prosecutors took the opportunity to provide Judge Kendall with a sample of the evidence they plan to use to show a conspiracy between Redflex Traffic Systems of Australia and Bills, who used to be in charge of the Windy City’s red-light camera program.

Thursday, December 3, 2015
Federal Appeals Court Stops Judge Who Believed Motorist Over A Cop
Judges rarely side with drivers over the word of a police officer, and the Sixth Circuit US Court of Appeals took action last week to keep it that way. A three-judge appellate panel corrected a lower court judge who believed driver Samuel Duane Johnson Jr was more credible than the Michigan State Police troopers who stopped him.

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