Roundup: January 16, 2017

In this week’s Roundup!

–OR Repeals Court rejects DUI wheelchair–

–OH Supreme Court hears speed cam case–

–UK traffic calming kills–

Friday, January 13, 2017
Federal Appeals Court Upholds Ferrari Confiscation
The Second Circuit US Court of Appeals upheld the government’s confiscation of James B. Ferrari’s Ferrari in a ruling last week. Officials in Suffolk County, New York had grabbed the 2003 Ferrari Modena coupe, valued at $95,000, after Ferrari was stopped and accused of driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) on May 26, 2009.

Thursday, January 12, 2017
Oregon Appeals Court Rejects DUI In A Wheelchair
As one of its last acts in 2016, Oregon’s Court of Appeals decided to limit the trend of expanding the coverage of driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) charges. A three-judge panel ruled that the stiff punishment meant for those endangering the lives of others while behind the wheel of a two-ton machine should, in most cases, not apply to a man confined to a motorized wheelchair.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Ohio Supreme Court Hears Speed Camera Arguments
The legality of automated ticketing is once again before the Ohio Supreme Court. Justices who have previously upheld the authority of localities to set up courts of their own to convict motorists and to set up photo ticketing programs without legislative authority on Tuesday heard a new question: Does the General Assembly have any authority at all to rein in local governments’ use of cameras?

Tuesday, January 10, 2017
UK: Speed Bumps, Traffic Calming Killed 23 Motorists
There is a significant push for traffic calming in the United States and Great Britain under marketing slogans such as “Vision Zero” or “road diets” claiming slower traffic saves lives. These efforts had the opposite of the intended consequence in the UK, where the installation of speed bumps, traffic chicanes and other obstacles intentionally placed in the roads killed 23 people and sent 275 to the hospital with critical injuries in 1607 incidents over the past ten years.

Monday, January 9, 2017
UK, France, South Africa: Speed Cameras Mocked, Disabled
Vigilantes in Ongar, England set fire to the speed camera on High Street on Sunday. According to the Essex Chronicle, the device was not on the list of the thirty most profitable cameras in Essex.

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