In this week’s Roundup!
- Damascus, AR is still banned from issuing speeding tickets
- Fed Report Documents Nationwide Automated Enforcement Decline
- States Ignore Demand for Photo Enforcement Transparency
Friday, August 24, 2018
Feds Renew Push To Seize Pension Of Red-Light Camera Convict
The red-light camera bribery scandal that rocked Chicago, Illinois, continues to generate controversy. Federal prosecutors are anxious to get their hands on the $266,519 that John Bills paid into a pension fund while working as a Chicago transportation official. Because he accepted $2 million in bribes from Redflex Traffic Systems of Australia, officials insist they are entitled to the money as restitution for his crimes. Bills’ ex-wife Margaret earlier this year blocked an attempt to confiscate the funds. Now that both sides have presented their case, it is up to US District Judge Virginia M. Kendall to decide. On Wednesday Judge Kendall scheduled a September 19 hearing on the matter.
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Arkansas Town Banned From Issuing Speeding Tickets
After a year-long attempt to save its ability to issue speeding tickets, the notorious speed trap town of Damascus, Arkansas, has officially been declared a scofflaw. Circuit Court Judge Chris Carnahan last week struck down the legal challenge Damascus mayor L.B. Pavatt mounted in the hopes of restoring the town of 379’s most important source of revenue.
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Federal Reports Documents Nationwide Photo Enforcement Decline
Most states resisted the new federal effort to increase transparency by releasing accident and revenue data related to the use of red-light cameras and speed cameras. Instead of producing “adequate data” as the law requires, states handed in surveys containing little information.
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
States Ignore Congressional Demand For Photo Enforcement Transparency
Several states are defying a congressional demand for transparency regarding the use of red-light cameras and speed cameras. The House and Senate in 2015 approved the FAST Act, a transportation funding measure that included a provision prohibiting the use of federal grants for automated ticketing equipment. The law also ordered the states with cameras to submit biennial reports containing “adequate data to measure the transparency and safety attributes” of these systems. A review of the state-level submissions showed few took the federal statute seriously.
Monday, August 20, 2018
France, Italy: More Speed Cameras Out Of Service
Vigilantes in Conches-en-Ouche, France, blinded the speed camera on the D51 with black spraypaint on Saturday, Paris Normandie reported. In Saint-Germain, red paint was used to keep the speed camera from issuing tickets on Friday, according to L’Est Republicain. A lighter shade of red was used on the speed camera located on the RD8043 in Pouru-Saint-Remy, L’Ardennais reported.